Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Free Children's Book and Poster Give-A-Way!

In order to win a free Sunny's Adventures mystery book and autographed poster, click on the link at the very bottom of this post and participate in a fun contest sponsored by Gina Turner (A Wrestling Addicted Mommy's Blog). All you have to do is answer one trivia question pertaining to the Sunny's Adventures web-site ( and that's it!

Sunny's Adventures has been getting some wonderful feedback from parents, children, teachers, and book reviewers alike. So look out for Sunny's Adventures #2 in this series really soon - Sunny and her friends will continue their adventures once again!
Here is what one of many Amazon reviewers had to say:

"A Wonderful Book for Children, July 14, 2008
By Heather:
(Greensboro, PA USA) - My daughter who is eight, absolutely loved Sunny's Adventures. Her favorite story was the one about the missing doll. She is always losing her dolls and stuffed animals so she could relate to the way the characters in the story were feeling. Leketha Marie Johnson did an excellent job writing a book that will keep children entertained from start to finish. My daughter has read the book twice already. She is hoping there will be more Sunny's Adventures books real soon."
For a free newsletter with 10 sure fire things you can start doing today to get your children to become natural book lovers and readers, log onto and sign up in one quick step - just input your email address for a quick delivery to your inbox. There's also a free coloring contest with wonderful prizes and free bookmarks being given away just for kids participation. Happy reading!

Click here and enter to win a free Sunny's Adventures book today!

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